#I've run into a bug. Where can I find the log files?
You can access your User Library, by clicking on your Desktop, then holding down OPTION as you click the Go menu item in Finder. A Library option will appear:
Once you have your User Library open, you can find the log files here:
/Users/YOUR-USER-NAME/Library/Group Containers/A5HDJTY9X5.com.latenitefilms.BRAWToolbox/Library/Application Support/
You can also copy the below path, press COMMAND+SHIFT+G from Finder (or via the Go > Go to Folder... menubar item), and paste in that path into the Go to Folder popup:
Please create a ZIP file of this entire Application Support folder (by right-clicking and selecting the Compress menu item), so that we can review all of these log files:
You can find any crash reports here:
Again, you can also copy the below path, press COMMAND+SHIFT+G from Finder (or via the Go > Go to Folder... menubar item), and paste in that path into the Go to Folder popup:
Any crashes related to BRAW Toolbox will have BRAW Toolbox at the start of the filename.
There might also be crash logs in the Retired sub-folder (these are crash logs that have already been sent to Apple):
Again, please ZIP up all of these individual crash logs, so that we can review them all.
You can send the files to LateNite Films here or post an issue with these files in a ZIP, and we'll try and resolve your specific problem.
#How can I work with Multicam Clips?
By default BRAW Toolbox enables Create Multicam Clips option in the Workflow Extension.
However, you can disable this if you need to create Synchronised Clips for Sync-N-Link, for example.
You can click the Settings button (the gear icon, next to Remove All) to deselect Create Multicam Clips.
This will now create Synchronised Clips instead of Multicam Clips when you drag into Final Cut Pro.
You can then manually sync these Synchronised Clips into a Multicam Clip using Final Cut Pro's Angle Editor, or use a third party tool like Sync-N-Link.
#Is my Mac fast enough to play BRAW files?
You can use the free Blackmagic RAW Speed Test to check if your system's GPU is fast enough to play BRAW files.
You can use the free Blackmagic Disk Speed Test to check if your hard drive is fast enough to keep up with BRAW files.
You can use the free Blackmagic RAW Player to see how your system performs playing back your BRAW files.
#Why can't I adjust the Custom Gamma Controls?
You can only adjust the Custom Gamma Controls if you select the Blackmagic Design Custom Gamma option.
#Why can't I adjust the RAW metadata within Final Cut Pro?
You absolutely can - that's the big benefit of BRAW Toolbox. You can even keyframe the ISO, Exposure, Color Temp, Tint and all the Custom Gamma Controls.
As explained in the Installation section, you can only access the BRAW Toolbox effect from WITHIN the Synchronised Clip or Multicam Clip.
Why this is the case, is explained in more detail in the How does it work FAQ.
For example, if you have imported the below clips as Synchronised Clips:
If you then double click on one of those clips in the Browser, it will open the clip in the timeline.
You'll see a black clip on the Primary Storyline, which is your BRAW footage. Click that clip, then in the Effects Inspector you can access the BRAW Toolbox controls.
The same logic applies to clips already in the project/timeline. If it's a Synchronised Clip, you can double click on it to access the clip that contains the BRAW Toolbox effect.
Keep in mind that when you import a Synchronised Clip from the Browser to a Project, Final Cut Pro creates a new instance of that clip - so if you modify the RAW controls in the browser instance, it won't update in the individual timeline instances.
This is standard Final Cut Pro behaviour - and nothing to do with BRAW Toolbox.
However, if you've ticked Create Multicam Clips within the Settings button in the BRAW Toolbox Workflow Extension (which is enabled by default), it will create Synchronised Clips WITHIN a Multicam Clip, so that you can modify the Synchronised Clip, and any changes will ripple across all instances of the Multicam Clip.
#BRAW Toolbox Workflow Extension doesn't appear in Final Cut Pro?
Sometimes macOS can be a bit temperamental with System Extensions, including Workflow Extensions.
If you can't see BRAW Toolbox in the Workflow Extension button or menu bar, you can try:
- Make sure you've installed all the Motion Templates, Metadata View and LUTs as per the Installation Instructions.
- Restart your Mac.
- Trash Final Cut Pro Preferences by holding down COMMAND + OPTION when launching Final Cut Pro, and clicking Delete Preferences.
- Delete Final Cut Pro and reinstall it from the App Store.
If none of those things fix it, please post an issue here.
#"The effect ID is invalid"
If you see an error message saying "The effect ID is invalid" when trying to import from the BRAW Toolbox Workflow Extension to Final Cut Pro, it means that the FxPlug4 Filter is not being detected by Final Cut Pro.
You can try:
- Make sure you've installed all the Motion Templates, Metadata View and LUTs as per the Installation Instructions.
- Restart your Mac.
- Trash Final Cut Pro Preferences by holding down COMMAND + OPTION when launching Final Cut Pro, and clicking Delete Preferences.
- Delete Final Cut Pro and reinstall it from the App Store.
- If none of the above fix the issue, you can try entering the below command into macOS Terminal, to see if macOS is detecting the FxPlug4 correctly.
You should see something like this:
You can also try completely uninstall BRAW Toolbox and reinstall from the Mac App Store.
If things are still not working, please post an issue here.
#Bad Frames in the Final Cut Pro Browser
Generally speaking Final Cut Pro seems to work more reliably with Multicam Clips, as opposed to Synchronised Clips.
We suggest ticking the Create Multicam Clips option in the BRAW Toolbox Workflow Extension settings before importing BRAW clips into Final Cut Pro (which is enabled by default).
We recommend only using Synchronised Clips if you need to sync to dual system audio, using something like Sync-N-Link.
In rare instances in the Final Cut Pro Browser you might see black frames, or red error message frames in the thumbnails of BRAW Toolbox clips.
This is generally because Final Cut Pro has an outdated thumbnail cache, or something went wrong when creating the thumbnails.
This is a Final Cut Pro bug, rather than anything specifically wrong with BRAW Toolbox.
In Filmstrip mode, try changing the time slider from All to ½s and see if that kicks Final Cut Pro back into gear.
If all the frames look correctly in ½s view, but incorrect when you change back to All it most likely means your thumbnail cache is corrupt, and Final Cut Pro isn't updating it.
To try and fix this, you can close Final Cut Pro, right click on the Library in Finder and select Show Package Contents, then within the problem Event folder, go into the Render Files folder, and delete the Thumbnail Media folder.
When you start Final Cut Pro again, this will force it to re-generate the thumbnails, and hopefully this time, it works correctly.
You can also try explicitly granting BRAW Toolbox sandbox access to the drive that contains your footage.
This means that BRAW Toolbox won't have to resolve the security-scoped bookmarks for each file, which can have a minor performance improvement, that might help with thumbnail creation.
If you select a BRAW Toolbox effect in the Final Cut Pro Inspector, you can click the Global Settings button to access a Grant Sandbox Access menu item.
#Failed to install Motion Template, Metadata View or LUTs
In very rare instances you might run into problems installing the Motion Template, Metadata View, or LUTs.
You can try completely uninstall BRAW Toolbox and reinstall from the Mac App Store.
Alternatively, please close BRAW Toolbox, then open the Terminal
...then execute the following command:
This will delete all the BRAW Toolbox preferences.
Alternatively, if you don't feel comfortable opening opening up Terminal
then you can manually delete this file at the Finder level:
Try running the BRAW Toolbox application again, and be careful to follow these exact steps, making sure you don't accidentally change the folders when prompted to Grant Permission.
Specifically, you should install the Motion Templates first, then Metadata View, then LUTs.
When prompted for access to the Movies folder, you should Grant Access with the Movies folder selected:
When prompted for access to the ProApps folder, you should Grant Access with the ProApps folder selected:
The LUTs are installed in the same location as the Metadata View, so you won't be requested to Grant Access again.
If this still doesn't work, please post an issue and we'll try and resolve your specific problem.